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Use at your own Risk and Information |
Accuracy the contents and information of this web site are given strictly for your convenience and we believe that it was accurate, complete and current, when it was placed on the Site. There may be inadvertent technical or factual inaccuracies and typographical errors. This information is subject to change and updated at any time without prior notice. |
It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. At any time and from time to time we make changes in the products and/or services described herein, however, we makes no commitment to update the information and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in it. |
The information in this Site is not to be relied upon for any financial, legal or insurance purposes and is intended for information purposes only. We will not be held responsible for any detrimental reliance you place on this Site or its content. It is agreed that if you use of this web site it shall be on an "as is" basis and entirely at your own risk. |
No Liability Implied or Stated |
ACE Insurance Broker Pvt. Limited and or its affiliated partners and associated officers, directors, or employees, or any other person associated with this Site, shall not be liable or responsible for any harm, loss or damage (whether arising in contract, tort negligence, or otherwise) that may arise in any connection with use of this Site, including any indirect, direct, special, third party, or consequential damages. |
Every Insurance Policy package has limits and exclusions. It is the responsibility of each individual and company to be knowledgeable and aware of the wordings and coverage's for their Insurance Policy as per information reveled to the masses by various outlets by the insurance company. |